News from the studio

Paul's Planet

July 26, 2014 - 9:45pm

Here's a documentary trailer on Paul Fuster
the Spanish rock star who built my cargo bike!

Hope I can see the whole thing sometime
(And get better in Spanish, or find it with subtitles)

Bike Polo Playing Eggplant Tattoo!

July 26, 2014 - 7:17pm


Great day at the Brooklyn Flea today!
I met lots of interesting people
and saw this amazing tattoo.


It was on the inside of a young guy's bicep
just the front wheel was peeking out
I had to ask to see it
and it was one of those tattoo's I just had to ask if I could photograph.
Luckily he said yes.




First beach ride of the season!

July 10, 2014 - 10:25pm

Dave and I rode our bikes to Fort Tilden,

then we jumped in the ocean

It was cold and very nice