I got a nice note

August 6, 2014 - 8:17am


The whole school in South London was covered in them. Looked great... I seriously love your work. 
Colouring in contest Raised £100 for flood disaster in Myanmar/Burma. Heaps of kids won lights, bells donated by bike shops who put them up in their shops.
Was an entirely inclusive part of BikeWeek that had cyc training through the week, culminated in a fair with the school bike club hosting checks & tune ups.
Sorry for the breach of copyright. I wouldn't do it again
Just after this I went to the mess worlds in Dublin and met someone who knew you for the first time.. A NYC messenger.. Can't remember who.
Anyway, friend me if you don't want to sue me

Nah, my timeline was off... 2008 so Must have been just after Dublin... But I think the plans were already afoot
Anyway it was ages ago
Please don't come after me!